Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We will be taking "That Quiz" in computer lab tomorrow/Wednesday.  The link is below, but students will  only be using it in the lab at school.

Monday, February 25, 2013

We had a special presentation today....ask your chile about the Kimochi's.


Word Study - 15 sentences due Thursday (cursive or computer)
Math - fractions due Wednesday
Read - 25 minutes

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

There's nothing better than celebrating Valentine's Day at school.  We all shared Valentines with our classmates in the morning and after lunch our helpful moms created fun crafts and brought special treats.

100th Day of School

Clever students brought all kinds of items to school to celebrate the 100th Day!  See how they sorted their items into groups - good mathematical thinking.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I hope everyone had a nice, long snowy weekend!  We are finally back to school after a delayed opening.

This week will be quite busy as we must accomplish a great deal before the delightful February vacation.  Since the students could not take their Word Study tests on Friday, they will take them today.  Therefore, the will be no additional Word Study this week!  Our library time is scheduled for tomorrow/Tuesday morning, so please make sure everyone returns books in order to check-out lots of great books for next week. 

Tomorrow students will begin new inquiry-based projects on the Arctic Regions!  I thought it would be a perfect time to study these frigid, snowy areas. I can't wait to see what kinds of projects the kids will produce.  In math we are starting a new Growing with Math unit on multiplication.  We will continue to learn a variety of strategies to help us understand multiplication.  However, it's always a good idea to memorize the facts as well! Students are continuing with their Series books, and we are practicing for CMTs.

Valentines Day is on Thursday, and so is our party!  Don't forget to write Valentines for everyone in the class.


No Word Study this week
Math - CMT constructed response worksheet
Read - 25 minutes

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tomorrow is the 100th day of school!  Please bring 100 small items to school (Cheerios, paperclips, pasta, etc.).
Next week we will celebrate Valentine's Day!  Make sure students bring Valentines for each member of our class (they can include treats). Also, each student should bring a bag/box for all their Valentines.  It will be a fun day!

We are starting a new unit in reading - Series Books. Students are excited to work with partners to share their thinking about their books. In math we are completing the Fosnot unit, The Big Dinner where we are shopping and determining strategies to figure out prices.  We are almost finished with our Rocks & Minerals unit for science, and next we will study the Arctic regions. 

CMT's will begin on March 4th and will run through March 22nd.  We have been preparing students for these tests and they are feeling quite confident.